Rare Disease Day 2024

It's that time of year again! Every year on Rare Disease Day, I host a special live stream on Twitch to raise awareness of rare diseases and encourage everyone to donate to any of the wonderful charities out there making a difference in the lives of folks living with rare diseases! I'm planning on going … Continue reading Rare Disease Day 2024

Extra Life 2023

Kaycee's Mod- but every time I win or lose a run, you get a chance to win a FREE copy of Inscryption! The creator of "Inscryption" has yet again generously donated a bunch of steam keys for my Extra Life stream! This is one of my all-time favorite games, so I am just over the moon that he is so supportive and willing to give free copies of his game to help raise money for Riley Children's Hospital through Extra Life. He gave me EIGHT keys in total, so there will be plenty of opportunities for you to win a copy!

Chronic Illness: What I’ve learned, un-learned, and am still learning

Visually impaired like me? I've got you- here's the audio recording of this article: https://soundcloud.com/sunny-ammerman/article-transcription-chronic-illness-what-ive-learned-un-learned-and-am-still-learning?si=893062727ce244f3a04e038368c94561&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing It's been such a long time, but I'm back! I really miss blogging. I think it's time I made it a habit again. A lot has happened since I was last posting actively here. I'll try my best to keep … Continue reading Chronic Illness: What I’ve learned, un-learned, and am still learning

Rare Disease Day 2021 YouTube Livestream and Valheim Giveaway!

I’ll be hosting a live stream on YouTube to raise awareness for Rare Disease Day. I’ll read aloud patient stories found on the official Rare Disease Day website and encourage viewers to donate to causes that benefit patients living with rare diseases. During the stream, I'll play Valheim to pass the time while chatting with … Continue reading Rare Disease Day 2021 YouTube Livestream and Valheim Giveaway!