When your physical symptoms are mistaken as character flaws

My hope in writing this is to raise awareness for what can happen when a child’s illness is not taken into consideration when they are struggling. Your “lazy” kid might be experiencing physical symptoms. Your “unmotivated” high schooler who keeps falling asleep in class might be struggling with intense fatigue.

Fond Memory of an Anxious Moment

I’m an artist. Not a professional, by any means. I lack confidence in my own work, which I’m sure is a common trope amongst creative types. About four years ago, my local art gallery asked for submissions for a regional art exhibit. I had just made a really poignant piece detailing life with a chronic … Continue reading Fond Memory of an Anxious Moment

Chronic Illness: What I’ve learned, un-learned, and am still learning

Visually impaired like me? I've got you- here's the audio recording of this article: https://soundcloud.com/sunny-ammerman/article-transcription-chronic-illness-what-ive-learned-un-learned-and-am-still-learning?si=893062727ce244f3a04e038368c94561&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing It's been such a long time, but I'm back! I really miss blogging. I think it's time I made it a habit again. A lot has happened since I was last posting actively here. I'll try my best to keep … Continue reading Chronic Illness: What I’ve learned, un-learned, and am still learning

What PE taught me about my Rare Disease

https://soundcloud.com/sunny-ammerman/what-pe-taught-me-about-my-rare-disease I had originally planned for this article to be about my history of failing Physical Education (PE) classes. I suspected that because I was not properly educated on the health issues caused by my rare disease at the time, and had an inability to exercise like my peers, that this had a negative impact … Continue reading What PE taught me about my Rare Disease